Catering locations in Prague
Here is an overview of historical sites that you can rent for your event. We can arrange banquets, gala dinners, cocktail parties, receptions and weddings in all venues. Some spaces can offer outside areas for grilling or other events in the summer.
Historic sites catering
Are you planning an event for more guests and you do not have a space where to hold the event? Never mind. We will help you find the right space for your event. We offer a complete catering service, not only in Prague, but also throughout the Czech Republic. You can select your space for catering for any reason – we have every eventuality covered. The selection of a suitable site is the foundation for organising a successful event. This site does not list every possible location, so please do not hesitate to contact and we will be happy to assist you. In addition to perfect catering, we can help in the production of any event.
What follows is a brief overview of Prague’s historical area for catering events. Prague catering – your reliable and creative catering partner- contact.